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Kendall Jenner's nude photos are leaked, Twitter body-shames her for being too skinny

Leave it to the internet to take a bad situation and make it even worse. Nude photos of model and reality star  Kendall Jenner  were leaked and shared online Tuesday night. Twitter users have used it as a chance to target the reality TV star-turned-model with body-shaming comments. The photos, which came from a photo shoot with Russell James that were meant to be published in an  upcoming book titled "Angels,"  were released without his permission, according to  TMZ . Now, Twitter users are body-shaming Jenner on the social media platform, many of whom said she looked underweight. "See Kendall Jenner trending so I clicked it & I really wish I hadn’t.. she’s so skinny, sis needs to eat," one user said. wavyy ting @amazinglysss See Kendall Jenner trending so I clicked it & I really wish I hadn’t.. she’s so skinny, sis needs to eat. 3:42 AM - Sep 12, 2018 71 31 people are talking about this Twitter